
Friday, May 21, 2010

T-Shirt Dress & Tie-Tees for Tots - Take 2

After Jonas showed up to Pre-K in one of his tie t-shirts, the teachers there sweetly asked me to make all of the students outfits for the end of the year "graduation" program out of plain white t-shirts.  This motivated me to create my first t-shirt dress.

I was really happy with how that turned out, and was going to go for the same thing...but ran into some difficulties.  When sewing the skirt on, my bobbin ran out of thread after sewing half way around the shirt. I didn't notice & after fixing my mistake, I ended up with a portion of the shirt that I couldn't get the thread off of because it was so deeply woven into the t-shirt that to take the thread out would create HUGE holes. So, I had to get creative.

I had some jersey material on hand that I was planning on using for flowers, but instead decided to make a cute waist-band ruffle. They turned out great!

The Pre-K class made such cute little models for my outfits. That's the biggest task I've tackled sewing so far. I was very proud to see my work on all of those cute little kiddos. I am also excited that now they have something to be proud of  - created all from a simple white t-shirt!

You should definitley give this project a try! It's fun & relatively easy. If you make a mistake - you CAN fix it & your outfit might even look better because of it! Your little one also probably won't complain about being uncomfortable. I know that is a bonus!


  1. Hello fellow Oklahoman! Thanks for visiting my blog and comments.
    Your tie-tees are too cute, have a great weekend!

  2. Those tees are really cute!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I really, really do need a cleaning/organizing accountability buddy! I'm already exhausted after the first week.

    What room do you think you'd do first?

  3. ok, i LOVE these!! esp the boys tie shirts!! i always feel guilty that i make everything for my twin GIRLS and the boys get nada...but these look super cute and fairly easy...i'm a total newbie =)
