It's not that bad, really. Clint and I are no where near settled in, but we are one step closer. Friends that own homes tell us they are a constant work in I'm beginning to see why that's true.

We have been there for about two days now, and already it feels like our "honey-do" lists are far longer than what we'd be able to accomplish in a year, even if we worked as hard as we currently are! Right now we work all day long, then return to the old home to pack & clean, or the new home to drop off stuff. Clint is almost finished with the tile in the kitchen. It looks really great (I'm very impressed). We have two rooms completely painted, and had some help from friends at church priming the laundry room and painting a bathroom (check that off the list)! There are still touch ups & tons of trim to paint, but it's a work in progress....what can I say?

A HUGE Thank You to Adam & Marlene who have basically donated a week of their time to our cause. This

would really not have been possible without you. And a HUGE Thanks to our friends at church who were willing to put in some hours to pull together with us for this big change in our lives. Thank you thank you thank you!
Here are a couple more pictures of the tile progression - the completed kitchen will knock your socks off! Great job Clint, Adam, Marlene, Darrell, Carrie, Britton, Scott, Mary, Jana, Doug, Shad, Mom & everyone else that has lent a hand so far!