Hey everyone! Hope you had a fantastic CHRISTmas full of fun, family and friends. We just wrapped up our final celebration with family and I am feeling overwhelmed with love. ;)
I am planning on posting some of the cool items from my giftbox...I can't resist sharing. The reason for the season is NOT forgotten! Thank you Lord for giving us a reason to celebrate the birth of your son!
I also plan on posting some craft things I've done lately. I just need to organize my life first. I know with the arrival of my little one soon, I'll have a lot of time sitting.....and hopefully some time to organize my pics and thoughts for some tutorials.
I also am looking forward to hopefully starting an Etsy store and Craft group with my family! I have some pretty talented friends and family & can't wait to get together with them to try out some new ideas!
What are you thankful for? What are a few of your favorite things? What are you looking forward to in the New Year?