I've really been struggling with giving Jonas my undivided attention. At home it seems like there is always something to get done (laundry, sweeping, mopping, fun craft stuff, etc...) I feel like I've been pretty distracted. I try to carve out a lot of quality time for Jonas, but to be honest, he has SO much more energy than I do, and he wants me to be his personal playmate 24/7. Sometimes I need to take a break. Today however, I attempted to have an entire unplugged, active play morning with him. We read several books, Did some morning preschool aerobics to a fun kids cd, played soccer in the hallway into a laundry basket goal, swept together, played in our mini-sandbox, and swam in a pool from Papa Mark.

When the afternoon gets here, I may be too tired to get up and go....but we'll see. We had such a great time, and I really just love my little guy. I'm so glad he loves spending time with me. I just wish I had all the energy I needed to keep up.

What does everyone else do for "unplugged play"? What's a typical day consist of? Do your kiddos play on their own, or do they want you to play with them?